Fixture types
Fixture types are the representation of your real world devices types in blinderkitten.
Each fixture type should have a name, and a channels list corresponding to the DMX input channel list of your device.
For each channels, you can fill these informations :
Channel type : what is the type of the current channel
Resolution : 8bits or 16bits (actually, your LSB/fine channel must be just after your MSB/coarse channel)
Subfixture ID : Allows you to set this channel in a different subfixture, used if the same channel type is used more than once in a fixture type. For example, a RGB led strip will have the three first channels at subfixture 1, then three channels to 2 and so on.
Default value : default value of the channel.
Killed by SWOP : If checked, this channel will return to its default value when a cuelist is swopped (if the swopped cuelist does not contains commands targetting this channel)
fade or snap : set the behaviour of the channel when fading from a value to another, if set to snap, the value will jump to its new value.
DMX Channel indicates you the current DMX channel number of your fixture.
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